Thursday, April 8, 2021

How combining AngularJS with Drupal will boost your Web Development Strategy?

A professional web developer would call AngularJS and Drupal combination a match made in heaven. Both platforms together can create rich and dynamic web experiences that boost your web development strategy. We have already known about how Drupal Web Development has proven to be one of the best CMS frameworks. But making a combination of both AngularJS & Drupal work wonders for your website. In this post, you will understand the business benefits for future endeavors.

What makes Drupal and AngularJS a perfect combination?

When an appealing front-end framework meets a powerful backend CMS, the results are remarkable. Drupal is a flexible CMS which can be used to build strong web applications that can be designed for startups to big scale businesses. Being an open-source CMS, it is easy to customize and can fit any business requirements. You can only imagine the scalability & flexibility of the two open-source frameworks. When put together, let’s find the goodness of Drupal AngularJS.

1. Power Packed Performance

Drupal has feature to perform effectively even when tested in extreme conditions. But when you offload business logic to the client-side AngularJS, you are simply unburdening your Drupal backend. Using AngularJS for theming and Drupal for backend can simply boost the performance of your Drupal website. The strong combination of Headless Drupal Web Development with AngularJS will allow moving logic to the client-side and streamline backend, thus resulting in a super speedy website.

2. Reduced Coding for Developers

Creating a simple Drupal website does not require a lot of coding or development job. AngularJS can help to make Drupal websites more interactive, rich as well as dynamic without complex coding. AngularJS make use of directives, HTML to define UI, plain objects for data models and many more. Since it implements HTML to define UI codes, it requires less efforts by the developers to build engaging pages when compared to writing complete Javascript codes.

3. Isolation of Logic

AngularJS is based on the MVC architecture which lets you slice business, controller and model logic in your web application. Isolating of application logic will end into a cleaner, clearer and non-redundant code structure. Your crucial developer won’t leave you mid-way, and if it happens it won’t be hard for a new one to catch up. It also removes a lot of backend logic from Drupal website, thereby making it light-weight as well as efficient.

4. Advance Security

With Drupal the security standard of the website is of top-notch quality. Having a huge Drupal community, it is hard to experience a security flaw go un-noticed and fix thereafter. Headless Drupal with AngularJS Development Services adds that extra layer of security to Drupal websites. Since the browser communicates with AngularJS, there’s no direct interaction with the server-side. This makes it tough for hackers to inject malevolent code into databases.

Features of AngularJS Framework

  • AngularJS is a lightweight framework that is extensible and lets you do some remarkable things with the website.
  • Web developers love HTML for its simplicity, and clarity in its code structure. AngularJS extends HTML to define user interfaces, thus letting you build interactive web applications that are functional and difficult to break.
  • Its client-side approach keeps those cyber-attacks at bay as any injected data cannot breach your server.
  • AngularJS applies the MVC framework allowing faster development process, multiple views, SEO friendly development and many more engaging features.
  • Unit testing is streamlined with AngularJS making it fast and easy for developers to test their code.
  • With a mind-blowing functionality including two-way data binding, user actions simply trigger application objects and vice-versa, thereby acting as an extremely interactive framework.

So these are some of the remarkable features of AngularJS framework making you invest in this framework for web development.

Wrapping Up

Combining AngularJS with Drupal brings remarkable business results for enterprises in terms of better ROI, sales and website performance. To start the process, simply hire AngularJS developer from a reputed source for better and optimized performance. They will provide different set of solutions to meet your business requirements in budget.

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